
Complex Event Processing

Whether it's extending a relevant offer to a customer before their attention is lost, identifying fraud before a transaction completes, or rescheduling a complex chain of shipments to avert delays downstream, Infosytech's award-winning complex event processing platform delivers powerful, game-changing results.

It provides the connectivity, scalability, and speed to extract actionable, real-time intelligence from high volumes of fast-moving data – enabling you to rapidly capture, analyze, and act on the trends, opportunities, and risks significant to your business.


Historical Patterns: Opportunities and risks from the past are likely to repeat over the course of time (negative customer experiences, delays in fleet arrivals, fraudulent transactions). By identifying the pattern of events that cause them, you can track for when they’ll happen next.

Dynamic Sequences: What makes Infosytech's technology unique: you can also monitor for unexpected patterns. Given the rate in which situations change – and the likelihood this frequency will increase as the speed of business accelerates – you can capture valuable insight into what's developing and decipher its contextual significance.


Centralized Monitoring: Event streams feed into a single event-server environment and are instantly analyzed and recorded (if necessary).

Noise Filtering: Adapters filter what should be processed, versus not, and can listen for messages from certain domains or channels. They also standardize format to standardize event language across the environment.

In-Memory Processing: Rather than analyzing data after it's reached the database, events are processed in real time using an in-memory data grid. Not only does this enable you to correlate relationships and detect meaningful patterns from significantly more data, you can do it faster and much more efficiently.

Extended Cache: Event history can live in memory for any length of time (critical for long-running event sequences) or be recorded as transactions in a stored database.


Advanced Testing: Predefined parameters set the terms to measure the significance and meaning of events by comparing them to what's already circulating in memory and, if needed, by querying historical data sets. Supports all major comparison techniques, including if an event did not occur in an expected timeframe.

Business Rules: If a match is detected, business rules will determine if action is required (or not) and fire off appropriate response if needed.

Composite Events: If a layered combination is what other rules are searching for, a new event can also be created and published as a message back into the event-server environment for discovery.

What Next?

While capabilities vary based on goals and requirements (pattern complexity, the velocity in which events occur, and the speed in which response is needed), Infosytech offers best-in-class technology to rapidly capture, analyze, and act on any complex combination of events in real time.
